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[[underlined]] Mountains [[/underlined]] 

[[underlined]] Aug. 2 [[/underlined]] The horses got lost in the brush & wed did not start till about 8 oclock. Followed up to the head of Salt Creek & then over a high ridge and down onto the head of Smiths Fork, then up one of the branches and over another ridge. Came about 20 miles over some of the worst road I ever traveled. The horses refused to haul for Gus & I had to drive over the worst of the road.
Camped on top of a divide between the heads of Smiths Fork & La Barge Creek Barometer read 6850 in morning when we broke camp and where we camped at 6 P.M. 9050.
The ground is tramped & eaten bare along the road by herds of sheep & horses. A drove of 180 horses is going just ahead of us from Pendleton, Oregon, to Kansas.
Saw little game along the road. a few new birds & Loring got some S. castanurus.  After camping we went out & got some grouse & Squirrels & Lagomys. Saw Deer & Elk tracks. 

Transcription Notes:
a few corrections -- @nounandverber