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[[underlined]] Wyoming Mts. [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Aug 4 [[/underlined]] Caught a Zapus an Arvicola, 2 Red Squirrels, & a Marten. Loring got 7 Zapus & 2 Arvicolas & 2 Sitomys & shot a Lepus bairdi.
Made up skins, set traps & hunted. Killed 6 Lagomys & some Tamias & a S. castanurus. Saw Arctomys & a Lepus.
Loring took two shots of the Marten. A warm day & the flies terrible. A sprinkle of rain in P.M.
[[underlined]] Aug. 5 [[/underlined]] Neither of us caught anything of account. Took our horses & went around 4 or 5 miles to base of the main peaks & climbed one that reached well above timberline about a miles south of Wyoming Peak. 
The Barometer read 9100 at camp & 11400 on top of peak. The extreme upper limit of timber on S.W. slope reached to 11000 feet. There were great banks of snow & hundreds of little streams
The peak we were on had a broad top  & was covered with grass & plants to the top. A beautiful lake lay just below the peak on the east side. It is probably 9500 feet & a good stream runs through it.