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[[underlined]] Piney Creek [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Aug. 7 [[/underlined]] Followed down Little Piney Creek about 10 miles through an open caƱon out of the mountains and out onto sage plains. Crossed some low mesas & plain to a fork on north side of Little Piney and then across more plains to Big Piney Creek and followed down it about 5 miles to Big Piney store and Post office & camped. Came 25 miles.
The Aneroid worked all right again, reading at starting point on Little Piney 8000 feet, At edge of sage plains 7500, at camp on Big Piney 6400.
Conifers reached down on S.W. slopes to about 8000 feet & on N.E. slopes to 7500. Douglas spruce & Pinus flexilis came the lowest. Populus tremuloides came scarcely lower. Populus angustifolius was met at 6600 feet. We saw Lagomys at 7850. Killed one Spermophilus armatus at 7850 & saw them down to 7500. Killed the first S. elegans at 7500 & saw them down to 6400.
Saw Cynomys holes at 7000 & Loring killed a C. leucurus at 6500. Badger holes numerous.