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[[underlined]] Aug 8. [[/underlined]] 
Staid all day at Big Piney and wrote report - I wrote 20 pages and Loring made out the bird report. Had a splendid dinner of baked Mallards.

[[underlined]] Aug. 9 [[/underlined]] Started early, crossed the North Fork of Green River and up the east side to about a mile above where New Fork joins it and camped. Did not go over 10 miles. Found a good ford across the river with the water just the buckboard box. Saw about 40 Antelope but could not get a shot. saw one Coyote and probably 50 Lepus campestris. Never saw them so numerous and tame before.
Made up skins and set a lot of traps.
Found lots of fossil wood.
[[underlined]] Aug. 10 [[/underlined]] We caught 26 Sitomys, a Neotoma 4 Thomomys, and shot a lot of other stuff. Followed up New Fork 5 miles, crossing it twice & struck the Lander Road, then traveled 15 miles across dry plain with little else than stunted sagebrush.
Camped on the Muddy Creek. Came about 20 miles. killed lots of