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[[underlined]] Aug. 12 [[/underlined]] We stopped to kill 3 Woodchucks
and did not get off till about 8 oclock.
Crossed numerous ridges and creeks
with good road except for long hills.
The country is foothills along south end
of Wind River Mts. and probably 7000 or
8000 feet high. Lots of rocky ledges & caƱons and scattering pines over the rocky ridges. P. flexilis is the most common, some P. murryana seen & a little spruce.
Thickets of popples all along & meadows with willows along streams.
Crossed the Sweet water R. & several branches. High mesas & flat topped buttes stretch off to the south. The Wind Rivers are close on the north and quite heavily timbered along the side, reaching far above timberline.
Reached South Pass City about 3 P.M. & went on through Atlantic City & camped half a mile beyond. Got supplies but did not mail our packages. 
The towns are little mining camps nearly abandoned. A store & post office in each.