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[[underlined]] Aug. 18 [[/underlined]] The Mosquitos were so thick we could not sleep & the horses were nearly crazy. Concluded to leave the wagon and pack up the Mts.
Hid the harness & bear trap & some other things and left the wagon out in sight. packed all the rest on two horses & followed about 3 miles up the creek & then about 2 miles up a steep slope on the south side of creek and camped in the spruce & pine timber.
Set the aneroid at 5800 at the Lake, which Capt. Ray says is the altitude.
At camp in the pines it read 7700. Saw fresh deer & elk tracks & a bear track. A hot day.
[[underlined]] Aug. 19 [[/underlined]] Went up the mountain about 2000 feet above camp with Dr. Bagg. Killed some Lagomys only. Saw no large game but a few deer, elk, & bear tracks. Wrote on report & got things ready to go up the Mts. tomorrow.
[[underlined]] Aug. 20. [[/underlined]] Dr. Bagg & I took our saddle horses & a pack horse with beds & provision & traps and followed up the ridge and over the tops of two ridges