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and camped in a great open basin or Park at 10000 feet. There are a lot of little lakes in the park, & marshes & streams and a crest of rough Mts. half enclose it. They reach above timberline and great banks of snow lie on N.E. slopes. Camped in the basin & set traps above timberline.

Saw a Grizzly and fired 3 shots at him but could not stop him. He was above timberline turning over stones to get ants. Was a good-sized silvertip in fine pelage but looked gaunt & rangy. He ran fast.
Set 18 traps above timberline. Killed a few small things.
Rained by spells

[[underlined]] Aug. 21 [[/underlined]] Caught only Arvicolas at timberline Went up on a peak to 11850 feet and Dr. Bagg shot a marten and saw 3 more chasing Lagomys among the rocks. Saw no large game but some birds & Lagomys & saw Woodchuck dung & heard them whistle at 11700. Set traps in park, saw a Vulpes macrourus. Rained in P.M. Cold.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Think Vulpes macrourus = Vulpes vulpes macroura -@siobhanleachman