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members of the expedition were busy packing provisions, selecting Indian trading goods, and fitting themselves out with native clothing. While Major Kennicott busied himself in questioning Indians, and gaining all the information regarding this country. The work on the Steamer being being completed, several attempts were made to run her, but all proved a failure. Many careful examinations of the machinery were made by the engineer, but the flaw in the Engine could not be discovered. In this emergency Maj. Kennicott ordered a board of inquiry consisting of Meprs[[??]] Beau[[??]], Ketchum and Ennis to examine the Engine and discover, if possible, the cause of her detention. The order and report of this survey I herewith enclose. The closing scene of difficulties with the Steamer recurred in the night of the 22: September during a southerly gale, when she parted her chain and was washed on the rocks, but owing to the unified exertions of the Americans and Russians she was rescued, sustaining, I am happy to say, no injury whatever.

 After this occurrence orders were issued to have [[written in left margin(20)]] the boilers and machinery taken out, and the Steamer to be placed in the boat_house. The failure of the steamer made the ascent of the Kirkhpak [[??]] river by open water from this point likewise a failure, and it was determined that the Expedition should proceed to Mualakhleel [[??]] a Russian