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the Redoubt.  A strong gale blowing from the N. E. the next day, necessitated our remaining in Camp.  We found the weather cold with snow storms, at that season and in September strong gales from the N. E. commence and continue till March. September 29 " the expedition proceeded on their journey, travelling all day in a snow storm and arrived at Unalakleet near midnight, cold hungry and weary. [[marginalia]] (30) [[/marginalia]] Mr. Stipanoff, the Russian Chief Factor, accompanied the expedition to the above point, giving instructions to the Factor of the Post to facilitate our movements as far as possible. Upon our arrival delays ocurred which prevented my starting for Behring's Straits by open water; and after a consultation with Maj. Kennicott, it was determined that the trip with boats should be abandoned, and  the party to start with dogs and sled by the first ice. Nothing could be accomplished in the direction of Nulato, owing to there being no continuous water communication to that post to transport provisions and men, and consequently it was deemed advisable to construct winter quarters, [[marginalia]] (10) [[/marginalia]] which was immediately carried into execution, and under the supervision of Lebage with the assistance of all the members, two houses were soon constructed, and although not the most comfortable, did in a manner protect us from the severity of this Northern climate.