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[[in left margin]] (10) [[/left margin]]
Interpreter and guide - the same amount being paid him for similar services while in the employ of the English. On this subject I will into more definitely on another portion of this report. While awaiting the formation of the ice we busied ourselves gathering wood; constructing sleds, buying dogs, and in fact making every arrangement for carrying out the Exploration in winter. Examinations of the country were frequently made the habits of the natives [[left margin]] (20) [[/left margin]] studied their wants noticed, and experiments [[checkmark in margin]] made regarding the amount of pay [[insert]] ^ pay day [[/insert]] for Indian labor. In this manner the Expedition employed itself until the ice formed. October when Mepos Ketchum, Adams, Pease and Lukin were ordered to Ulukak, the Ingelik village the Major wishing to push the party thus far to the point of destination Nulato. These gentlemen were accompanied by Indians and all hands packed both provisions and blankets to the above point. This party were to be followed [[left margin]] (30) [[/left margin]] by the Major, accompanied by the remainder of his party in a few days afterwards and to meet the above mentioned gentlemen at Ulukak when arrangements would be made to pack over to Nulato. On the 24" of October, Maj. Kennicott with Major Smith, Dyer, Separge and [[?Hacknaine]] Russian interpreter left Unalaklit and joined the other party at Ulukak.  [[?Then]] the Major

Transcription Notes:
mandc: added last three lines.