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Nulato, each having a sled, and loaded with provisions. At Ulukak we met Messrs Ketchum, Adams & Dyer and a train of fine sleds heavily loaded started for Nulato, the Major taking a sled, and encouraging us by his own example. The [[marginal insert]](10)[[/marginal insert]] The country through which we passed is the finest I have seen in this entire region, being watered by numerous rivers, abounding in fish, springs and splendid forests. The roads lie through the Pereval, and the country is gently undulated. Trees from 80 to 100 feet are abundant. At Ivans' Barkabana a distance of sixty miles from the Pereval, there is said to be a pass through the mountains, which leads to Norton ^[[marginal insert]] (20) [[/marginal insert]] Bay, but of this I shall be more explicit in another portion of this report.

After remaining at Nulato three days, I availed myself of the kind offer of Mr. Stipanoff and returned in his company with his dogs and sleds to Unalakhlit. After my return I received instructions placing me in command of the entire explorations from Behring's Straits to Nultao, while Mr. Jos. S. Dyer was attached to my party with a view to proceed ^[[marginal insert]] (30)[[/marginal insert]] through the Kvyukuk country, in company with Mr. R.D. Cotter. In ^[[insert]] bidding [[/insert]] adieu to Major Kennicott, it was understood that we would