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meet no more till the arrival of the ships, and that while he would strain every nerve to carry his party through to Fort Yukon, I should on the other hand make every effort to successfully carry out my portion of the exploration. From February till April 66 the members of the expedition were not idle. The Major commanding, accompanied by Mr. Adams and Sebarge, made several expeditions into the Kvyakuk country, examining that region from all points. The result of these observations were sent to me by Maj Kennicott and they will be submitted to you at your ^[[marginal insert]] (10)[[/marginal insert]] leisure.

Messrs Smith, Adams, Dyer, Denison & Ketchum, with Lebarge, were busy transporting provisions from the Unabakhlit to Nulato; while the members of my department were in the road, hauling provisions from St. Michaels to Unabakhlit. This continuous land work on the road wore our poor dogs down to mere skeletons; and being only half fed, they were reduced to actual starvation. In addition to this, a disease resembling Hydrophobia raged among them, and out of 18 dogs I found myself reduced to seven. This disease occurs annually, but this year it raged with greater fury than any preceding one, and at this present moment, I venture to state that, searching

Transcription Notes:
mandc: surely he wrote "April 11" not "April 66."