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from Behring Straits to Nulato fifty sound dogs cannot be found among the Indians. at that time I was making every exertion to fill up my complement of dogs, securing dog feed ^[[marginal insert]] (30) [[/marginal insert]] and purchasing here and there dogs. My exertions proved a failure, for as soon as I would purchase one, the fatal disease would sweep him off. In this dilemma I wrote to Mr. Stepanoff requesting him to hire me a few of the Russian Company's dogs. This gentleman in answer expressed his regret in not being able to grant my request, stating that all his dogs were in use; but ordered the Factor at the Port of Unalakhlit to turn over to me his six dogs. In March several of the gentlemen from Nulato arrived at Unabakhlit with four sleds and twenty dogs, bringing intelligence that the winter expedition to Fort Youkon had been abandoned, and they had returned to Unabakhlit for the purpose of transporting a Baidara ^[[marginal insert]] (10) [[/marginal insert]] (large skin boat) and a three holed Baidark, to Nulato, to carry on the exploration as soon as open water would permit.

Major Kennicott kindly furnished me with dogs sufficient to fill up my complement, and I at last found myself on a firm basis to carry out that portion of the exploration that had been assigned to me. The failure