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across, and arrived at a large village called [[?Kuik-Klo-tage-mute.]]  At this place my guide left me;  and owing to the kindness of the Chief of the Village, I secured a boy to accompany me to Behring Straits.  The guide that I secured at Unalakhlit for the trip, I gave permission to repair to a village one day from Sound Golovine - to prepare the natives for my arrival, and secure dog feed.  On arriving at this village I remained over a day, and sent the men out hunting game for my dogs for the road.  I was much annoyed to find that this man refused to accompany me, giving me as an excuse, that my dogs would starve, that the road was long and dangerous, that open water would have me in, and in fact that my provisions would become exhausted, and all hands be reduced to starvation.  I offered every inducement for any man who would act as my guide;  but all refused, fearing to attempt it.  I noticed one man in particular, who greatly admired a single barrel shot gun which I had in my possession, and I offered it to him, if he would accompany me.  After much persuasion talking and bargaining, he finally consented to go;  and on the 14" April we left the village, striking across the portage, until we reached the sound, and following it till we came to the 

[[marginalia]] (10) [[/marginalia]]