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This portage separates the river flowing into Sound Golovine, from those emptying into Grantley Harbor;  and it is in this section of country, when transportation is almost impossible by summer, that oxen could be employed in carrying poles, provisions, material &c. from the Ikathluik river through the bad region.  It is impossible to raft logs up the strong current of these rivers, which even if accomplished, there would be no means possible for planting them on the portage, while on the other hand, if oxen could be brought into the country in summer, subsistence could be found for them;  and I venture to assert, that in one summer, poles could be laid through this barren tract of country.  [[marginalia]] (30) [[/marginalia]]

They could be killed in Winter and thus afford subsistence to the men.

Regarding the building of the line from Grantley Harbor, towards this barren tract, I would suggest that poles be landed at Grantley Harbor;  from thence they could be rafted down the Tuk-suk river, through lake Imagazuk;  and so on down through the country to where this land travel commences.  It is absolutely necessary that poles should be landed at Grantley Harbor, as that country, as I before stated, affords no timber.  Once the line constructed through this country, there would be no difficulty to 
[[marginalia]] (10) [[/marginalia]]