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well, would be to encourage others to enlist in our service;  and I am sure that it would have a good effect.

[[marginalia]] (10) [[/marginalia]]
I am sorry to report, that it will be with the greatest difficulty, to secure Indian labor in this country.  They live by hunting, trading, &c., and are by no means partial to work.  My experience here has shown me that that an Indian will work one or two days well, after which he is suddenly taken ill, and decamps.  The only  reliable tribe for working are the Mule-mutes;  and even they are doubtful.  They do not care to leave their hunting grounds, fisheries, &c., and prefer to live in idleness so long as they can secure a meal;  and the inducements must be great indeed to warrant their leaving their homes to work on the line.

The question of provisioning this country at different points, to carry on work, justifies me in suggesting that houses be erected at Port Clarence, Sound Golovine, and Unalakhlit.  At Nulato there is already sufficient room for men and provisions.  No one knows better than me, the difficulty of transporting a large amount of provisions from point to point, and I assure you sir, that in suggesting the erection of provision depots at the above mentioned points, I do so, believing it to be for the best interests of the company.  [[marginalia]] (20) [[/marginalia]]

[[marginalia]] (30) [[/marginalia]]
I cannot close this report without calling