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their duties, I started for Grantly Harbor on the 2nd of January, in company with W.W. Smith, with dogs provisions, fur clothing, boots, and trading good for Capt. Libby, from whom I had previously received information that his provisions would run short before the arrival of the ships, and that he was in need of various articles of which I furnished him to the utmost of my ability.  My object in journeying to Behring Straits was to consult with Capt. Libby, and in company with him to travel over the proposed route.  After a severe and long trip I arrived at the Station and found fifteen miles of line completed, which had been built before the formation of the ice.  In conversation with Capt. Libby I discovered that the foremen particularly and the men generally were dissatisfied with the small pay allowed them for laboring in such a severe climate and all expressed a determination to leave the country upon the arrival of the ships.  I was fearful that if such a thing would happen, that it would be a