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built from 100 to 125 miles.  My experience in this country has shown me that stout men with ample food can work the entire year, and had the Company carried on the work the line could easily have been completed in my Division during the ensuing year.

In conclusion, I beg leave to call attention to the energetic manner in which Messrs Chappel, F.M. Smith, and Geo. R. Adams performed their duties.  To each of these gentlemen I entrusted a section of line and from personal knowledge I can state that they did honor to the "Pioneer" rank which you bestowed upon them taking the lead in everything and never shunning hard work, and refusing their own scanty allowance of food in order that the men might have sufficient.

Capt. E.E. Smith, Lieuts. W.W. Smith, Westdahl and Mr. Francis by their work on the road did good service and displayed a laudable desire to see the work carried on.

Mr. Thomas S. Denison my Quartermaster displayed great ability in purchasing from the Indians