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and through his endeavors kept the men supplied with comfortable [[insert]]winter[[/insert]] clothing.  The accounts of the Expedition are in his hands.  It was my intention to purchase flour and send to Capt Libby, but transportation I found was impossible and flour scarce.

It is a matter of sincere regret to myself as well as Officers that the work has been suspended, for we had everything so prepared that the completion of the line in this Division, was but a question of one year.  We have proven that men can work in the severest winter, and with a small amount of determination the work could have been successfully carried through.

In the hope that this report will prove satisfactory I beg leave to
Subscribe myself
Your Obdt and Humble Servant
(Signed) Wm. H. Ennis
Capt. Comdg B.S. & N.S. Division