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[[underlined]] To Amarillo & Portales [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] June 7 [[/underlined]]  Took train at 5 AM for Amarillo & connected there with the Pecos Valley train for Portales, N.M. arriving at noon.

From Amarillo to [[strikethrough]] Portales [[/strikethrough]] Borina there is almost no change of [[strikethrough]] color [[/strikethrough]] country from the smooth, short grass prairie with sloughs here & there, plenty of grass & lots of cattle.  After crossing the N.M. line we enter a drier region and pass through a wide stretch of sand dunes.  The country is evidently getting lower for mesquites come in thick though low & scrubby.  At Portales it is just level plain but all scattered over with mesquite brush & some Opuntia arborescens.  Lower Sonoran Zone is evidently coming in.  There are some Neotoma micropus nests. 
Saw 32 Antelopes 1-4 in a place - between Canyon & Portales, mostly bucks but one doe with a kid.  
Geomys hills all the way.

Got horses at Portales & rode over to the gulch & springs - 5 miles east.

A hot day.