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[[underlined]] From Roswell to Cedar Point [[/underlined]] N.M.

[[underlined]] June 12 [[/underlined]] Got team & van & camp outfit and started for [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] Mt. Capitan, a peak that stands out in plain view about 60 miles west of Roswell.

Traveled all day over dry plains & up a gradual slope.  Watered at a ranch out 8 miles from town & found no more water or ranches till we reached Cedar Point, a ranch 40 miles out.  Camped here and set traps.

The country is so dry that scarcely anything green has grown this summer or any flowers come out.  The little Verbena is the only flower at all common.  Even cactus flowers are not common.  At about 30 miles out we crossed a dry gulch full of flowering Chilopsis & Fallugia, and of Juglans rupestris, & Shin oak. This growth continues up the gulch to the Cedar Point ranch.

Saw one antelope – Dipodomys spectabilus mounds are common all the way from about 12 miles out from Roswell.  Perodipus & Geomys holes and hills are common.

Transcription Notes:
I changed "overdrive" to "over dry" in 2nd paragraph--thomas