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Into Brasilia N.P. with Christoph Hrdina. 
Meet Scott Lindbergh and take walk thru part of park. Humidity <30% and it hasn't rained in 6 weeks.

Scott still living w/ Raquel. 9 mo. old daughter Sarah.

Lindbergh recently spent ~2 weeks in & around Una w/ 
Saturnino looking for [[underlined]] [[caripsomelas?]]. [[underlined]] Saw 7

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groups as well as [[underlined]] Cebus [[/underlined]] & one ateline - looking animal.  IBDF wants a longer survey of 3 mos or more.  Scott thinks they  must decide on basic policy re: parks & reserves, i.e. whether to have large enough areas or to manage areas intensively.

Scott writing report for IBDF.  Lindbergh also discussed his howler work.  (I asked & he agreed to  speak at The Brasilia Primate meetings)

Transcription Notes:
surgery =survey