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1.0.1 : Ozotocerus bezoarticus
0.1.3 : Myrmecophaga tridactyla
Felid 0.0.1

0700 - 
[[strikethrough]] swamp [[/strikethrough]] marsh deer - 7
Total [[strikethrough]] swamp [[/strikethrough]] marsh deer 4.9.1

By air to Campo Grande small Aircraft to Emas
Arrive re: 1500 hrs.
3 rheas, pampas deer, seriema
Drive out to Capybara lake.
3 & 1 infant
anteater [[image - three circles drawn to make triangle shape]] 0.1.3
2 pampas deer 1.0.1
near headquarters
black cat (young jaguarondi?)

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Conepatus semistriatus - 1
Ozotocerus - 11.13.2
Cerdocyon thous - 1

Emas director
Sr. Melheiros
After dinner - skunk
[[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]]
[[line]] 8/22/87
0730 hr bare faced currasow
1.0 deer
2.1 " [[ditto for: deer]] (pampas)
0752 1.1 pampas deer
nest of blue & yellow macaws
Anteater tracks
fore [[image - drawing of anteater front tracks]]
rear [[image - drawing of anteater rear tracks]]
Conepatus  gamba [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] de [[strikethrough]] aure [[/strikethrough]] orelhas

Transcription Notes:
Ozotoceros bezoarticus Gamb?de-orelha-preta = Black-headed Opossum