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Neighboring agricultural land using considerable insecticide wh/ is seeping into rivers. Emas has mgmnt plan from 1978.

Firebreaks are only part of plan wh/ has been accomplished.

Have had huge fires in 1975- In 1978 it froze & then burned (August).

There is disagreement re: what to do w/ a fire cycle.

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In 1985, fire was set & burned most of park; August worst month.

Had 4 dead [[inderlined]] myrmecophaga[[guess]] [[/underlined]] after 1985 fire.

After putting in firebreak and new grass came in & suddenly they 'found' 13.1 pampas deer dead. Never found out the cause of the deaths.

For 5 years, they haven't had a single visitor from Brasilia. The delegado is from Goiana.