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bred altho all young lost.

This the hybrids are reproductively viable.

The muriqim cage is still empty.

They have an excess of Kuhlii & C. [[underlined]] geoHrorgi:[[guess]]

Most cages full.

Saw Sagurnis breolor bredon
& " " [[dittos for: Sagurnis breolor]] [[underlined]] martinsii. [[/underlined]]

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Then drove to Casimiro de Abreu after Churrasco lunch at Pureda Modela; a not so bad lunch.

Checked in at Fazenda
Hotel in Casimiro & eventually Jim, Lou Ann, Lanreng, Andy & Mike Power showed up for dinner.

We gave a spiel & I eventually went back to PdA with them.
We stayed up till @ 11 - midnite making