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Walt had painted him a [[GLT?]] — that he liked, but he had to point out that the feet + nose were wrong.

Coimbra talked about all that he had discovered for ever. Every new (or old) finding in primatology, he seems to be taking credit for.

And he keeps referring to old papers that he's [[published?]]. Basically, he seems tired out, but
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still feeling as tho he's unappreciated.

Walt + I have coffee + cornbread, see pictures of his grandchild (son — "neto"), congrat. him + Jacqueline on their wedding anniversary, 33 years.

Then leave.

Dinner for the group is organized for an Indian restaurant called The Raj Mahal run by an English friend of Walt's. We have the group + Margaret + Breville Mee, and a woman named
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