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Annie Phillips who runs a pub called Lord Jim in Ipanema, ~ 2 blks toward Copacabana from the Rio Marina Hotel.

The Mees, especially Margaret, were fascinating. She has a beautifully expressive face & a powerful personality. Very British, graceful & elegant.

Dinner was a great success with caipirinhas, wine, & good food.

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8/29/87 Sat.

Ran in the AM but started out by exchanging my constip. for diarrhea.

Off to Tijuca Park in A.M. by bus. Stopped at Emperors Picnic Table & then the Chinese View.

At the latter, there was a family of common marmosets visible, but I hadn't brought either my camera or my binocs.

[[strikethrough]] After [[/strikethrough]]

Tijuca has 4000 acres of [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] climax [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] forest that looks like primary, but isn't.