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[[image - black & white photograph of three men seated outside and four men seated inside a building in front of a wall with a mural depicting early aircraft]

[[caption]] ^[[At Pau, Lower Pyrenees, Southern France]]
^[[At a restaurant at the aerodrome at Pau, France. Through the open window the mural paintings can be seen.
Sitting at the front:
Mr Zassetzki, an artist, myself.
In the background: Director of the aerodrome, two pilots of the dirigible Astra, Mr Apprato.]] [[/caption]]

[[image - black & white photograph of a number of men, a woman, a child, and a dressed dummy lined up in front of a monoplane parked in front of the Astra aerodrome]]

[[caption]] ^[[Entertained by a dummy with a flower in its hand. Two mecanics, a chauffeur, a peruvian aviator, Mr Zassetzki, the dummy, an aviator's daughter, myself, Mr Zassetzki Sr, [[text cut off presumed to identify the four rightmost people in photo]] [[and his wife?]] [[/caption]]