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The staff wishes to acknowledge gratefully the kindness and help of Mr. Wm. E. Beasley, the high school principal, in the assembling of the materials used in this annual; of Mr. Alton Cole for the photography; and of Miss Pearl Jackson and Miss Frances Amis for their counsel and help in its preparation.

We also wish to thank the "Outpost" for printing the yearbook and for the use of the equipment; and Art Okusu for aiding our art editor. 

[[note]] Best Wishes
Yumi Ronnis Segoli [[/note]]

[[note]] Dearest Mitzi
Best wishes to you in the future years
Rosie Kusama [[/note]]

[[note]] Dear Mitzi
I surely am glad I came down here to school cause I wouldn't have known all you kids. Best always,
Betty Lu Hunter [[/note]]

[[note]] Lots of Luck to a swell gal
Fumi Kimaya [[/note]]

[[note]] Sally Oshima "45" [[/note]]

[[note]] Goeniko L[[?]] [[/note]]