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The Committee noted the status report on the Equal Opportunity Program and recommended that the Regents Audit and Review Committee conduct a review of progress to date in this important area and make recommendations for improvements. It was noted that consideration was given to possible women and minority candidates for recent high level appointments. The Chancellor and the Secretary both emphasized the importance they attach to this. 

The Executive Committee considered in Executive Session the following items, and its actions are so indicated: 

(1) Salary of the Secretary:

A salary increase for the Secretary was approved by the Executive Committee and it was resolved: 
Effective October 1, 1979, the salary of the Secretary is fixed at $82,000. 

(2) Regents Candidates:

Two vacancies exist on the Board of Regents occasioned by the resignation of Thomas J. Watson, Jr., and the death of John Nicholas Brown, citizen regents. The Executive Committee, acting as a Search Committee for the selection of citizen regent candidates, considered nominations which had been forwarded by members of the Board of Regents and others. It was the consensus of the Search Committee, after due deliberation, to propose two candidates to the Board of Regents for their consideration. (Please see agenda item below entitled "Regents Candidates.")

The meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m.