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Board of Regents

[[underlined]] Minutes of Meeting of the Audit and Review Committee [[/underlined]]

The meeting of the Audit and Review Committee of the Board of Regents took place in the Regents' Room of the Smithsonian Institution Building, starting at approximately 7:15 p.m., Thursday evening, December 6, 1979. Present were:

Senator Henry M. Jackson, Chairman
Senator Robert B. Morgan, Vice Chairman
Representative Norman Y. Mineta
Honorable George H. Mahon, Regent Emeritus
Mr. David Acheson
Mr. James E. Webb, Chairman, Executive Committee
Mr. Michael Collins, Under Secretary

Ambassador Rush was unable to attend due to a prior commitment.

Also present were: John F. Jameson, Assistant Secretary for Administration; Christian C. Hohenlohe, Treasurer; Chris Peratino, Director, Office of Audits; James M. Hobbins, Special Assistant to the Secretary; Messrs. A. William Mann and Edward A. Bartko of Coopers and Lybrand; Owen Malone, Assistant to Senator Jackson; Carroll W. Leggett, Assistant to Senator Morgan; Paul Schoellhamer, Assistant to Mr. Mineta; and Hermann P. Bretsch, Consultant to the Board of Regents.

Senator Morgan, Vice Chairman, welcomed the Audit and Review Committee and called on Mr. Collins to give a general introduction to Smithsonian activities. Referring to an organization chart, Mr. Collins described the varied programs of the Institution, noting particularly financial resources and numbers of personnel in each of the broad program categories