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[[underlined]] Regents Candidates [[/underlined]]

Mr. Webb referred to the two vacancies on the Board of Regents occasioned by the resignation of Thomas J. Watson, Jr., citizen regent of Connecticut, and the death of John Nicholas Brown, citizen regent of Rhode Island.

The Executive Committee, acting as a Search Committee for the selection of citizen regent candidates, solicited the members of the Board of Regents for their suggestions (copy of letter attached). Responses from the Regents and others contained some 30 proposed candidates. The Search Committee found it necessary to eliminate a large number of candidates for various reasons (duplication of residence, age, field of experience).

Upon due deliberation, the Search Committee has recommended the following candidates to the Board of Regents for their consideration:

Dr. William G. Bowen, citizen of New Jersey
President, Princeton University

Mr. Carlisle H. Humelsine, citizen of Virginia
Chairman of the Board, and former Chief Executive
Officer, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation.

After a general discussion the following resolution was approved by the Regents:

VOTED that the Board of Regents requests the Congressional members of the Board to introduce Joint Resolutions in the Senate and in the House of Representatives to provide for the appointment of William G. Bowen and Carlisle H. Humelsine as citizen regents of the Smithsonian Institution for the statutory term of six years.

Attached are proposed bills, including a biography on each nominee.