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Excerpt from Charter Provisions (20 U.S.C. 41 [[underlined]]et seq.[[/underlined]])

ยง 42. Regents

"The business of the institution shall be conducted at the city of Washington by a Board of Regents, named the Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, to be composed of the Vice President, the Chief justice of the United States, and three members of the Senate and three members of the House of Representatives; together with nine other persons, other than members of Congress, two of whom shall be resident in the city of Washington; and the other seven shall be inhabitants of some State, but no two of them of the same State.

43. Same; appointment; terms of office; vacancies

".... The regular term of service for the other nine members shall be six years; and new elections thereof shall be made by joint resolutions of Congress. Vacancies occasioned by death, resignation, or otherwise may be filled in like manner by joint resolution of Congress.

44. Same; organization

"....Each member of the board shall be paid his necessary traveling and other actual expenses in attending meetings of the board, which shall be audited by the executive committee, and recorded by the secretary of the board; but his service as Regent shall be gratuitous."