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[[/Indented text]]

- Investments - With continued high short-term interest rates expected for the near term, estimated investment yield from current funds has been increased from $1,300,000 to $1,400,000.

[[In right margin: +$100,000]]

- Mail Order Division - This activity, combined on Schedule F with Museum Shops, was expected to provide a deficit of ($175,000). With strong sales and sharp reductions in costs, a net of ($50,000) is now expected, possibly a break-even.

[[In right margin: +$125,000]]

- Smithsonian Press - Mail order sales by the Press of the Abrams book on the National Air and Space Museum have continued at high levels, and a second mailing this year is now expected, increasing projected net again from this activity to $440,000.

[[In right margin: +$200,000]]

- Other Miscellaneous - The Institutiion will also receive royalties from Abrams for copies of the NASM book sold to the trade. We estimate these will exceed $100,000, not previously included in the budget.

[[In right margin, underlined: +$100,000]]

Net change in Unrestricted Trust Funds

[[In right margin, underlined twice: +$128,000]]

[[/Indented text]]

No new application of these funds is proposed at the present time since the estimates are necessarily preliminary.
  As referred to abpve, $500,000 of the $1,000,000 set aside for the Quadrangle will now be expended this fiscal year on planning studies; this will reduce the trust fund reserve for this project, but not change the current funds budget.
  The new employee paid parking system is included on Schedule F under "Concessions." Acting voluntarily to comply with the Presidential policy  that Executive Branch employees be required to pay for parking privileges, the Institution initiated a coupon and pass system on November 1, with very little criticism form employees; the new from employee parking is expected to total approximately $45,000 in FY 1980.

FY 1981 - Estimate (Schedule E)

-- Federal Appropriations:

The OMB allowance for our FY 1981 request is shown below compared to our actual FY 1980 appropriation and our origibal FY 1981 request: