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[[underlined]]South Quadrangle Project[[/underlined]]

Highlighting key points, the Secretary referred to the report on the Quadrangle which follows. He added that Shepley, Bulfinch, Richardson, and Abbott, an architectural/engineering firm from Boston, had recently been selected to continue detailed planning supplementing Mr. Junzo Yoshimura's original plans. The selection was based on a strict set of requirements and rigorous open competition, reviewed by a panel of GSA and Smithsonian judges. Their work will proceed immediately. 

The Secretary also mentioned that the Regents' Executive Committee at its meeting on January 3, 1980, had suggested that the Institution obtain a statement from a knowledgeable source concerning the propriety of receiving funds for the Quadrangle project from oriental traders associations. He directed the Regents' attention to two such letters, from former Ambassador U. Alexis Johnson and Mr. William Henderson, reproduced below. 

The Secretary's report follows. 

*  *  *  *  *

As reported in Mr. Ripley's letter of November 26, 1979 to the Board of Regents, Congressional conference action on the Institution's fiscal year 1980 appropriation did not include funds for the Quadrangle Project. A copy of that letter is attached. Subsequently, Mr. Ripley met with the Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Appropriations, Mr. Yates, who was found to be receptive to continued planning in fiscal year 1980 using nonappropriated funds. Letters were sent to other appropriate Congressional members in order to keep everyone informed as to our plans for proceeding.