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[[underlined]] Museum of African Art Commission [[/underlined]]

Mr. Blitzer, Assistant Secretary for History and Art, recalled that at its September 17, 1979, meeting, the Board of Regents appointed the first ten members of the Museum of African Art Commission from among the Museum's previous Board of Trustees, as provided by the Act of Congress which authorized the Smithsonian to accept the transfer of the Museum of African Art.

A meeting of those ten members was held on December 18, 1979, and included a discussion of further names to suggest to the Board of Regents for appointment to the remaining five seats on the Commission. Those present at the meeting discussed a wide ranger of possible nominees and concluded that the following five should be recommended to the Regents for their consideration: 

1. [[underlined]] Dr. Richard Long [[/underlined]], Atlanta University, scholar of Afro-American and African Art.

2. [[underlined]] Honorable Beverly Carter [[/underlined]], Washington, D.C., former U.S. Ambassador to Tanzania and Liberia.

3. [[underlined]] Professor Roy Sieber [[/underlined]], University of Indiana, considered the foremost Africa Art scholar in the United States.

4. [[underlined]] Honorable Walter Washington [[/underlined]], former mayor of the District of Columbia and long-time supporter of the Museum.

5. [[underlined]] Mrs. Katherine White [[/underlined]], Seattle, major American collector of African art.

The Regents then approved the following resolution:

VOTED that the Board of Regents appoints the following members of the Museum of African Art Commission to serve a three-year term, as provided in Public Law 95-414: Messrs. Richard Long, Beverly Carter, Roy Sieber, Walter Washington; and Mrs. Katherine White.