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[[underlined]] Who's Who in America [[/underlined]]
39th edition

PEARLSTEIN, PHILIP, artist; b. Pitts., May 24, 1924; s. David and 
Libbie (Kaiser) P.; B.F.A., Carnegie Inst. Tech., 1949; M.A., N.Y.U., 1955; m. Dorothy Cantor, Aug. 20, 1950; children—William, Julia. 
Ellen.  One man shows at Tanager Gallery, N.Y.C., 1955, 59, Peridot Gallery, N.Y.C., 1956, 57, 59, Allan Frumkin Gallery, N.Y.C., 1962, 
63, 65, 67, 69, 72, 74, Frumkin Gallery, Chgo., 1960, 65, 69, 73, 
Kansas City Art Inst., 1962, Ceeje Gallery, Los Angeles, 1965, 66.  
Reed Coll., 1965.  Galerie Thelen, Cologne, Germany, 1972, Galerie Ostergren.  Malmo, Sweden, 1972.  Galerie Kornfeld, Zurich, 
Switzerland, 1972.  Staatliche Museen-Kupferstichkabinett, Berlin, 
1972.  Kunstverein, Hamburg, Germany, 1972.  Editions La Tortue, 
Paris, 1973.  Gimpel Fils Ltd., London, 1975, and numerous others.
group shows at Carnegie Internat., 1955, 64, 67, Whitney Mus. Am.
Art, 1955, 56, 58, 62, 65, 67, 70, 72, 73, 74, U. Ill., 1865, 67, 68.
Providence Art Club, 1965. U. Mich. Mus., 1965, Corcoran Gallery,
1967, Vassar Coll., 1968, Milw. Art Center, 1969, Pa. Acad. Fine
Arts.  1971-72, Indpls. Mus. Art, 1972, Galeria Lowenadier,
Stockholm, Sweden, 1973. Nat. Acad. Arts and Letters, N.Y.C.
(award), 1973. Yale U., 1973, 74, Hofstra U., 1973, Helsinki (Finland)
Mus. Art, 1974. Art Inst. Chgo., 1974, Notre Dame U., 1975. Grand
Rapids (Mich.) Art Mus., 19775, Kalamazoo Inst. Arts, Tampa Bay Art
Center, 1975, Miami Art Center, 1975; represented in permanent
collections Phila. Mus. Art, San Antonio Mus. Assn., Pa. State U.
Whitney Mus., Mus. Modern Art, N.Y.U., Syracuse U., James A.
Michener Found., Hirshhorn Mus. Corcoran Gallery, Art Inst
Chgo., Milw. Art Center, others; instr. Praatt Inst., 1959-63; vis. [[?]]
Yale, 1962-63; prof. art dept. Bklyn. Coll. Fulbright fellow to Italy.
1958-59, Giggenheim fellow, 1971-72; Nat. Endowment for Arts
greantee.  1968. Author; Six Lithographs Drawn from Life. 1970
Home: 163 W 88th St New York City NY 10024 Office: Brooklyn
Coll Dept Art Brooklyn NY 11210

Mrs. Charles Bagley Wright

Mrs. Wright of Seattle is a collector and patron of contemporary art and theater.  She is a trustee of the American Federation of Arts, a member of the International Council of the Museum of Modern Art, of the committee for the Centre Beaubourg, and a patron of the Seattle Art Museum.