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[[underlined]] Who's Who in America [[/underlined]]
39th edition

HUNT, RICHARD HOWARD, sculptor: b. Chgo., Sept. 12, 1935; s. Cleophus Howard and Etoria Inez (Henderson) H.; studied sculpture with Nelli Bar, 1950-53; student U. Chgo., 1953-55; B.A.E., Art Inst. of Chgo.; m. Betty Marjorie; 1 dau. Cecilia Elizabeth, Exhibited Artists of Chgo. and Vicinity exhbn., 1955-56, 62d, 63d, 64th Am. exhbns. Art Inst. Chgo., also 1971, Carnegie Internat. Pitts., 1958. Mus. Modern Art, N.Y.C., 1959, 71; one man exhibites Alan Gallery, N.Y.C., 1960, B.C. Holland Gallery, Chgo., 1963, Dorsky Gallery, N.Y.C., 1971; works in permanent collections Mus. Modern Art, N.Y.C., Whitney Mus., N.Y.C., Albright Gallery, Buffalo, Art Inst. Chgo., Nat. Mus. Israel, Alan Gallery, N.Y.C., 1956, 58, Houston Mus., 1957, Whitney Mus., 1958, Mus. Modern Art, N.Y.C., 1957; vis. artist Yale, 1964, Chovinard Art Sch., 1964-65. Served with U.S. Army, Recipient Frank G. Logan medal and prize, 1956. Pauline
Palmer prize, 1957, James Nelson Raymond traveling fellowship, 1957. Logan medal and prize Artists of Chgo. and Vicinity show, 1961. John Simon Guggenheim fellow, 1962-63. Home: 1503 N Cleveland Av Chicago IL 60610 Office: 1018 W Lill St Chicago IL 60614

[[underlined]] Who's Who in America [[/underlined]]
40th edition

ANDERSON, DONALD BERNARD, oil co. exec.; b. Chgo., Apr. 6, 1919; s. Hugo August and Hilda (Nelson) A.; B.S. in Mech. Engring., Purdue U., 1942; m. Patricia Gaylord, 1945. Vice pres. Hondo Oil & Gas Co. (formerly Malco Refineries, Inc.), Roswell, N.Mex., and subsidiary corps., 1946-63; pres. Anderson Oil Co., Roswell, 1963-; pres. Cotter Corp., 1966-70, chmn. bd., 1966-75; founder, pres. Anderson Drilling Co., Denver, 1974-77, chmn. bd., 1977-. Curator fine arts, mem. acquisitions com. Roswell Mus. and Art Center, 1949-56, trustee, 1956-, pres. bd., 1957-; bd. dirs. Sch. Am. Research, Santa Fe, Jargon Soc., Penland, N.C.; regent Eastern N.Mex. U., 1966-72. Served to lt. USNR, 1942-46. Address: PO Box 1 Roswell NM 88201