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Origins of
The Smithsonian Book of the American Presidency (cont'd.)

[[underlined]] OUTLINE AND CONSULTANTS [[/underlined]]

Because of the materials introduced and subjects covered, it was determined that the most appropriate Smithsonian overseers for the book would be:

Marvin S. Sadik, Director, National Portrait Gallery
Wilcomb E. Washburn, Director, Office of American Studies
Margaret B. Klapthor, Curator, Division of Political History, MHT.

These consultants--working with Dr. Robert Post (formerly Historian, MHT) who had been appointed project editor--would check the development of the book by the Smithsonian Exposition Books staff at each stage of development. Specifically, they would review the outline, the essay assignments, the manuscripts, and the layouts in the period August through December, 1979. With their assistance manuscripts are coming in as programmed (see attached table of contents) and picture research and layouts are well advanced.

[[underlined]] DIFFUSION RESEARCH [[/underlined]]

In three consecutive readership surveys, Smithsonian Associates have reaffirmed their strong desire to learn from the Smithsonian about the Presidency. The line-up of recognized biographers and the description of pertinent artifacts that only SI bureaus could bring together apparently persuades these American households that the proffered volume is timely, informative, and unique. Indeed, research data indicate that, as the sixth SEB volume (volumes which have now been received into almost half of all Associates' libraries), this will be one of the most widely distributed.