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[[underlined]]Mall Parking Student - Phase II[[/underlined]]

The Secretary recalled that at its meeting on May 5, 1978, the Board of Regents expressed a continuing interest in investigating the problems concerning visitor parking and approved the expenditure of $70,000 of trust funds for Phase II of this project.  The Regents were informed in May 1979 of the selection of the firm of DeLeuw, Cather and Company to conduct "Special Studies of Visitation, Transportation and Parking for the Museums on the Mall."

A basic element of the study project involved the investigation of current visitation characteristics.  A special survey procedure was designed and 1,216 interviews with visitors were conducted in April and May 1979.  A detailed analysis of this data has been prepared for the study report.

A prime objective of the study was to formulate potential solutions for improving visitor parking and access to the Mall and the following concepts were considered.

1.  Underground garages in the Mall
2.  Parking facilities within walking distance of the Mall
3.  Shuttle bus service to parking facilities
4.  Transit service enhancements
5.  Information systems
6.  Various combinations of the above-noted concepts
7.  No action

The second major study objective was to evaluate each concept and present the evaluation results in such a manner as to permit the full assessment of the feasibility implications of each potential solution.