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[[underlined]]Equal Opportunity Program[[/underlined]]

Mr. Jameson introduced the following report on Equal Opportunity which had been prepared for the Regents' information.  He alluded to the slight improvement over last year in the percentage of women employees in the Institution, but he noted also the slight, though significant, decline in the percentage of minorities, particularly the black minority, in Smithsonian employment.  Mr. Jameson mentioned four measures being taken to counteract this trend:

1.  Initiating an intensive training program in equal opportunity for the managers and supervisors of the Institution, to include senior officials, bureau directors, and approximately 250 other managers and supervisors.

2.  Developing a strengthened recruiting program, to be active rather than passive -- including more extensive advertising, sending recruiting officers out to the colleges, universities, and elsewhere to find the quality women and minorities needed to fill the important jobs of the Institution.

3.  Adopting the guidelines, just issued by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, for identifying the populous work groups in the Institution in which minorities are under-represented, and exerting an intensive effort in particular areas of employment, such as museum technicians and exhibit specialists, to recruit qualified women and minorities.

4.  Implementing the Institution's performance appraisal plan wherein senior executives and other managers will be judged according to their progress in equal opportunity matters, among other key criteria.