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Mr. Jameson also alluded to slight improvements in the upward mobility program and the new cooperative education program, a work-study program being established to interest gifted students in areas of scholarly endeavors in which women and minorities are particularly under-represented.

It was noted by the Regents that the data presented in the following report lacked adequate specificity, and particular attention should be paid to specific grades and job categories which are least representative.  There was general agreement that the Institution needs more active recruiting and the monitoring of supervisors for their performance in equal opportunity.  The Secretary and the Regents also agreed that this would be a fruitful area of study for the Regents' Audit and Review Committee.

*   *   *   *   *

This report covers the Institution's Equal Opportunity Program for the approximate period of calendar year 1979.

1.  [[underlined]]Percentages of Employment[[/underlined]]- Efforts have continued to improve the percentages and grade distribution of women and minorities in the Institution's work force.  Over the past year, the number of women employees increased from 1,387 to 1,488, a percentage increase from 33.4 to 35.9%.  Women made significant gains in the higher grades of 9-18 increasing from 404 to 482, a percentage increase from 28.1 to 31.7% although most of the increase was in grades 9-11.  White males still hold a disproportionate share of the higher grades.