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[[underlined]] Personnel Matters (Civil Service Reform) [[/underlined]]

The Secretary submitted the following report:

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The Institution is making satisfactory progress in implementing the applicable requirements of the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978. The deadline for completion of action is October 1981 as specified in the Act. Significant applicable provisions of the legislation include merit pay for supervisors and managers in grades 13 through 15, a minority recruitment program, changes in performance appraisal, adverse action and appeal procedures, a program of labor management relations, and provisions for incentive and performance awards. As appropriate, comparable changes in Personnel Management will be developed for trust employees.

A number of significant actions have been completed. Policies and procedures covering probationary periods for new supervisors and managers have been developed and provided to employees. A performance review plan for all senior staff (grade 16 or equivalent and above) is now in effect. An Executive Resources Board has been established, reporting to the Secretary, with responsibilities for advising on the establishment of such positions, executive selection and development, performance review, and recommendations on awards. The draft of a performance appraisal plan for employees at grade 15 and below has been distributed to heads of bureaux and offices for comment. It is expected that this plan will be phased into effect beginning in the spring of 1980. Similarly, the draft of a revised merit promotion plan for civil service personnel is now under consideration. Procedures and policies for restoring grade and pay for civil service employees who have been downgraded as a result of reductions-in-force have been issued.