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National Air and Space Museum

The National Air and Space Museum is the nation's center for exhibition, education, and research in the history and principles of air and space travel. The Museum acquires, restores and conserves documents and other materials which result from related research, development, and operations. Drawing upon its vast collections, the Museum produces exhibits portraying the past, present, and future of aviation and space exploration.

[[table, 5 columns]]
|  |  |  | [[underlined]] ACQUISITION [[/underlined]]|   |
[[underlined]] LOCATION | SIZE | DATE | TYPE | COST [[/underlined]]

Between 4th & 7th Sts., | 542,000 gross sq.ft. | 1972-76 | Construction | $39,500,000
Independence Ave.
& Jefferson Dr., | [[underlined]] Net Assignable Area [[/underlined]]
S.W., Washington, | Exhibition 208,000 sq.ft.
D.C. | Staff 33,000 sq.ft.
   | Support 37,000 sq.ft.
   | Garage [[underlined]] 214,000 sq.ft. [[/underlined]]
   |   | 492,000 sq.ft. [[/table]]

[[underlined]] Major Repairs, Renovations, or Improvements [[/underlined]]

Although constructed recently, the Air and Space Museum also requires repairs and improvements.  Currently, the exterior stone facade is allowing some intrusion of moisture through seams of softer stone strata.  Terrace paving blocks are cracking at various locations, and repair is necessary to prevent moisture from penetrating the waterproof foundation seal.  The building's electric transformers are presently operating near capacity, and some reserve power should be acquired for future use.  These and other needs are anticipated to cost in excess of $2.6 million, and will be sought over the next five or more years.