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National Museum of History and Technology
This Museum is a national center for the study and exposition of the history of American civilization, and the history of science and technology. In 1955, Congress authorized construction of a building for the Museum which was opened to the public in January 1964.

The Museum has responsibility for the care and preservation of more than 15 million objects which the Smithsonian has acquired during the past one hundred years. Research efforts of the Museum result in the annual publication of nearly a hundred scholarly articles and books and monographs, and technical studies appear in journals throughout the world. A diversified range of exhibitions depict major steps in the nation's growth. Long-term exhibits occupy more than thirty halls on three floors, including forty-five period rooms displaying furnishings, tools, dress, and other aspects of the lives of our forefathers. Education activities are directed to both children and adults, including special programs for senior people, the disabled, and other groups.

[[table, 5 columns]]
   |   |   | [[underlined]] ACQUISITION [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] LOCATION | SIZE | DATE | TYPE | COST [[/underlined]]

Constitution Ave. | 759,000 gross | 1959-64 | Construction | $35,000,000
between 12th & | sq.ft.
14th Sts., N.W.
Washington, D.C. | [[underlined]] Net Assignable Area [[/underlined]]
 | Exhibition 317,000 sq.ft.
 | Staff 120,000 sq.ft.
 | Collections [[underlined]] 76,000 sq.ft. [[/underlined]]
 | 513,000 sq.ft. [[/table]]

[[underlined]] Major Repairs, Renovations, or Improvements [[/underlined]]

Completion of terrace repairs, to prevent water seepage into occupied space, is estimated to cost approximately $950,000.  It is anticipated that about $200,000 in FY 1980 and $320,000 in FY 1981 will be needed for this purpose.  A comprehensive plan to upgrade all fire detection and suppression equipment will be developed during FY 1980.  An amount of $265,500 is included in the FY 1981 budget request to begin work, and about $400,000 will be needed annually through FY 1985 to complete this project.  Other needs include safety equipment and alterations for the Conservation and Photographic laboratories, replacement of deteriorated chilled water and heating equipment, removal or containment of asbestos insulation in mechanical areas, caulking of exterior façade, renovation of high voltage equipment, and site work.  These and other items are expected to cost approximately $5 million.