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There will be increased emphasis on public orientation and education activities directed at family groups which will provide a variety of learning opportunities for visitors. To achieve this, new interpretive materials must be developed for existing and planned exhibits.

Construction and renovation work remaining at Rock Creek and at the Front Royal Conservation Center over the planning period are detailed in the facilities chapter of this document.

[[underline]] Other Programs [[/underline]]

[[underline]] Center for the Study of Man. [[/underline]] The present activities of the Center include the National Anthropological Film Center (NAFC) program and the Research Institute on Immigration and Ethnic Studies (RIIES) program. In FY 1979 the RIIES program concluded a phase of outreach and symposium sponsorship. In FY 1980 it is entering a phase of more intensive research on immigration patterns, chiefly from the Caribbean and Central American areas. The NAFC program has been under review by a recently establish Program and Policy Committee to assist Smithsonian management in guiding the direction of the program. More support is needed than is currently available to carry out all of the mandates which have been established for the Film Center. The major effort of the NAFC program so far has been in the making of films about Third World cultures. New, and perhaps redirected, funding is needed to support archiving and annotation activities so that the films obtained can be best preserved and made available for study.

[[underline]] The Fort Pierce Bureau. [[/underline]] The Fort Pierce Bureau conducts research in marine biology with emphasis on life history studies and the systematics of selected marine organisms of the Indian River, Florida, and the nearby continental shelf. This bureau is supported totally with trust funds and is expected to remain stable in terms of resources and manpower over the next five years.

[[underline]] Science Resource Growth [[/underline]]

Overall, Science resources may approach $72,900,000 in FY 1985 from FY 1979 levels of $54,000,000. Scientific research grants and contracts are expected to increase from about $11,100,000 to $16,900,000. Restricted and unrestricted support of Science activities may increase by about $550,000 over FY 1979. The balance of funding will be sought through the appropriations process, principally for operations and programs of the Tropical Research Institute (covering expenses related to implementing the Panama Canal Treaty and strengthening the research program), the Astrophysical Observatory (including requirements for strengthening of operations at Mt. Hopkins), the Chesapeake Bay Center (for watershed and other research and education), and the Zoo (for operations and staffing associated with new facilities at Rock Creek and the Conservation Center).