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[[underline]] Visitor Information and Associates Reception Center. [[/underline]] The Center, one of the least known but most effective and important organizations in the Institution, provides centralized information services for Smithsonian staff, Associate members and the general public. With a staff of 16 full- and part-time employees and the support of about 400 volunteers, the Center operations a network of 13 information desks throughout the Institution. During the year, telephone volunteers respond to an estimated 275,000 phone calls for various types of information; over 60,000 mail inquiries are researched and responses prepared; and several million visitors are furnished information on a multitude of subjects. The Center also coordinates the placement of an additional 600 volunteers who provide behind-the-scenes project assistance to the scientific and curatorial staffs. It is conservatively estimated that the Center, through its fine volunteer efforts, provides the public and the Institution with an annual savings of about $2,000,000.

[[underline]] International Exchange Service. [[/underline]] No change is anticipated in relation to the present activities and funding of the Exchange, except to complete the transfer to the Government Printing Office of a portion of the operation which processes the overseas distribution of official federal government publications. It is anticipated that revision of Title 44 to accomplish this transfer will be completed in FY 1981. In future years, the Smithsonian will continue to provide exchange services to the nation's universities and learned institutions for scholarly publications.

[[underline]] Public Service Resource Growth [[/underline]]

In FY 1985, resources associated with the conduct of Public Service activities may reach approximately $14,900,000 from present levels of $10,400,000 Most of the increase, however, will be due to the added expenses associated with the trust operations of the Exposition Books Program and the Division of Performing Arts. Only minor growth is projected for restricted trust operations and for federal appropriations.