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curators in the identification and selection of objects requiring treatment, a service which is still limited. Finally, archeometric studies will be continued and encouraged through seminars held in cooperation with the National Bureau of Standards. To advance the archeometric program, a fellowship in archeometric research was established in FY 1979.

During the coming five years, the expanded operations at the Museum Support Center and the intensification of archeometric research at the Museum of History and Technology will require several additional personnel; seven positions are being sought in FY 1981 to begin the staffing process. In FY 1981 and FY 1982, funding for acquisition of special equipment for the laboratories and training areas is planned. In FY 1983, when the Support Center becomes active, funds will be needed for stipends for conservation trainees.

[[underline]] Collections Management. [[/underline]] Collections management has been established as an institutional priority for the next few years. Aside from the issues and requirements associated with the Conservation Analytical Laboratory and the specific references to collections management appearing in the Science, History and Art, and other chapters, the Office of the Registrar will play an increasingly important role through the coming five-year period. The Office has identified three administrative and technical areas on which to concentrate its energies: (1) improvement of techniques for the management of information about objects in the Institution's collections; (2) coordination of the Smithsonian's Council of Registrars; and (3) provision of logistical support for the Institution's continuing program on collections policies, and management.

In 1979, a new and appropriate position classification standard for registrars, and specialists and assistants at work in the Institution was prepared. Training workshops on procedures were conducted in cooperation with the Office of Museum Programs, with Smithsonian registrars serving as faculty. Task force activities to implement recommendations made in the 1977 collections management policy study were continued.

In the coming years, major specific tasks to be performed will include the development of standards for national and international museum data exchange, and the development and implementation in 1981 of an in-house training program for Smithsonian personnel working in collection registration to deal with such subjects as shipping, transportation, risk management, and customs. Other in-house seminars will deal with information management and automation.

[[underline]] Smithsonian Institution Libraries. [[/underline]] Specific plans for the next five years include: establishing a machine readable catalogue system, reaching an adequate book budget by 1983, extending the application of advanced computer technologies to additional phases of library operation, increasing the level of information services offered to users, meeting the library needs of new and expanded Smithsonian operations, continuing the planning