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Special Programs include the Office of America and Folklife Studies, the International Environmental Science Program, Academic and Educational Programs (including the Office of Symposia and Seminars, the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, and the Office of Fellowships and Grants), the Collections Management/Inventory Program and the Collections Acquisition, Research, and Education Program. This chapter also includes the new Major Exhibitions Program, the new National Awareness Program and consolidates the equipping requirement of the Museum Support Center for various Smithsonian organizations involved in its development. Congressional action on the FY 1980 budget cancelled the appropriated Research Awards Program. Ongoing and new activities have been organized into this chapter to provide consistency with the FY 1981 budget submission to Congress. With the exception of the Office of American and Folklife Studies, the Office  of Symposia and Seminars, the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, and the equipment requirements of the Museum Support Center, most of the resources associated with this group of activities are generally available to all organizations of the Institution if they meet certain standards and selection procedures.
[[underline]] Current Resources and Support [[/underline]]

These programs in FY 1979 had total operating support of $4,850,000 excluding excess foreign currencies which amount to the equivalent of $3,700,000 in 1979. A breakdown follows:

[[3 column table]]
[[headings underlined]]

Source of funds | FY 1979 Full Time Employment | FY 1979 Funds ($000s)

Federal Salaries & Expenses | 25 | $2,047
Unrestricted trust | 10 | 2,398
Restricted trust | - | 39
Federal Grants & Contracts | [[underlined]] - | 66[[/underlined]]
Total | 35 | $4850  

Funding patterns vary, and include programs which are funded entirely from federal appropriations, to those funded solely through trust operations of the Institution. [[underline]] American and Folklife Studies, [[/underline]] administered by the Assistant Secretary for History and Art, operates with both federal appropriations and trust funds and also seeks grant and contracts for special projects. Federal funds support the administrative staff and expenses, research and publication efforts, and about two-thirds of the