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During the planning period, the protection office will be working on several major projects in order to provide adequate security, safety, and health programs for the Institution. Progress will continue toward completing the conversion from a leased security and fire protection system to an Institution-owned and controlled system. This conversion may take longer than originally planned because of unanticipated technical difficulties, and additional resources may be required for its accomplishment. Efforts will be continued to identify and correct all areas within the Institution that contain asbestos in order to eliminate any potential safety hazard. Measures currently underway to resolve this problem include monitoring and medical surveillance systems, requirements for protective clothing and equipment, and training programs to educate staff members on a number of related safety procedures. Additionally, funds from the Institution's Restoration and Renovation of Buildings Account will be applied toward the removal or containment of asbestos. As reported last year, thorough evaluations of staffing needs have revealed that the Institution's security function is significantly understaffed, and some 70 additional positions are required to protect existing facilities; incremental increases in positions and funds will be requested during the next five years to fulfill this need. In connection with Support Center planning, equipment will be purchased in FY 1981 and 1982 (see the Special Programs chapter and Table 12) to be installed while the building is under construction. Budget requests for operating resources will be initiated in the FY 1982 appropriation. Full-year estimates for around-the-clock security for the new building, its occupants and the collections that will be housed there currently are $620,000 including about 42 full-time staff. 

[[underline]] Administrative, Financial, and Support Services Resource Growth [[/underline]]

Resources devoted to all areas of Administrative, Financial, and Support Services may exceed $57,100,000 by FY 1985, rising from FY 1979 levels of about $39,400,000. Much of the federal increase will be associated with operating costs of the Museum Support Center, utilities, and physical plant maintenance and protection. Lesser appropriated amounts are required for a variety of support and logistical services, principally in accounting, personnel, data processing, design and engineering, and photographic services. Unrestricted trust fund support may increase from the FY 1979 level of approximately $5,100,000 to about $8,300,000 for the specialized and technical functions associated administering the activities of the Institution. Funding increases shown do not include legislated pay raises provided to civil service employees. Trust projections, however, include anticipated increases in salaries and benefits.